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Replica jewelry.jpg

Community Links

r/JewelryReps Reddit

Sellers List

Store Link
David925 https://www.taobao.com/list/product/david925.htm
Kaka https://shop109667288.taobao.com/
Keke https://shop59284192.taobao.com
Saz https://issaz.taobao.com/index.htm
Silver Luxe https://silver-luxe.x.yupoo.com/
Survival Source https://survivalsource.x.yupoo.com/http://www.survivalsourcech.com/

Intro to Replica Jewelry/Jewellery

Where to buy replica jewelry?

For our purposes, we're going to pretend that a few of the big web sites don't exist. There are lots of sites out there that buy stuff from the web site I'm going to show you how to buy from and then sell for double the price. But you're not a sucker. You're going to buy from a weird ass Chinese website and get shit for the low.

There's Aliexpress which I do not recommend for several reasons. It's very tempting to buy stuff from Aliexpress but you will get burned. First, the site is Western-facing which means the pressure is on the site's operators to crack down on illegal activity. Aliexpress is widely used around the globe. When there's good fakes on Aliexpress and the link gets shared, the link gets taken away. The administrators of the site need to cover their asses and take down things that get reported. So the stuff that stays up usually isn't very good.

There's Dhgate which has a lot of good options for if you only want to buy one thing.

There's TaoBao. This is the site we'll be talking about. Here's the catch though, it's going to be a little tricky. If you don't want to put in a little work to save a lot of money, then give up on reps right now and save up for legit pieces.

Then there is Weidian. This site is very similar to TaoBao in the sense that they have replica goods and it is a bit tricky to get started. However, you can find many good items here.

I clicked on that TaoBao link and it's all in Chinese. How am I ever going to figure this out?

Chill, we got this. For now, we're not going to worry about navigating TaoBao much. That'll come later after you've done a couple orders. Use Google Chrome while rep shopping and utilize the full-page automatic translation by clicking on the translate button in the URL bar. My goal right now, however, is not to overwhelm you more because you're probably already overwhelmed so don't worry if the site looks really confusing even after translating it.

Common Terms Glossary

QC: Quality Control (QC for short) is talking about pictures that are posted from an agent of an item that was ordered. Users will post these if they're unsure about the quality and would rather have someone else take a look at them if they're good enough.

LC: Legit Check (LC for short) Much like the name states, this is a tag used for posts requiring a legit check. Legit checks are a great way of finding out if a item you're purchasing is authentic or not.

GP: Guinea Pig (GP for short) Guinea Pigging is much like being a test subject. In this instance you will be the first person to order a sellers new item. This means you'll be the first to get pictures of their product and often times you'll post them to be checked for quality by the community.

FIND: Much like the name states. Posts with this flair are often linked to new products that haven't been posted before.

W2C: Where To Cop (W2C for short) W2C refers to the search for a desired item. Often times will be linked with retail images for an example.

1:1 One to One (1:1 for short); 1:1 refers to a perfect replica. However, not many exist and often times you won't be able to get these as they're sold out.

GL Green Light (GL for short): GL Refers to a user who has given their approval of a QC post.

RL Red Light (RL for short): RL Refers to a user who has given their disapproval of a QC post.

B&S Bait & Switch (BS or B&S for short): B&S Refers to a seller who has advertised their product and sent goods that are different from advertised.