⚠️ 2024 update: We have moved to https://RepsGuide.com/guide/


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Community Links

Recommended Sellers List

The ESL consists of a collection of sellers that the mod team believes to be "well-established", after years of following user experiences and relevant discourse here on the subreddit. These sellers have either been providing good service to r/Repsneakers users for a long period of time, demonstrated exceptional commitment to the members of our sub—or both. Just because a seller isn't on this list doesn't mean they aren't a good or "trustworthy" seller. Part of purpose in renaming our list is to discourage our users from being so reliant on our list, and treating the TSL/ESL as the Holy Scripture. It is up to you to do your own research, and decide which seller you think is the best—whether they're on our ESL, or not.

Without further ado, here is the Official r/RepSneakers Established Sellers List:

Established Sellers List (alphabetized)
A-K K-P T-Z</thead>
888Kicks D-D Tina
Coco Alice/UBS Uncle Lin
GMK Monica Vicky
Joystudio Mr. Hou Carl
KickWho Panda Chen Yang
World2Kicks Zhang 168shops
DopeSneaker/Lisa EM-Sneakers SneakerWill

Established Agents

This list is just like the ESL, but it is pertinent to agents. The most popular agent, by far, is WeGoBuy.

Website Promo Code Discount amount</thead>
PandaBuy automatic Use code "Repsneakers" to get 5% off on shipping unlimitedly
Wegobuy automatic $40 in Shipping Coupons (Must use the register links to achieve this)
CSS Buy automatic 20¥ Coupons and Platinum Member Status

Probation List

Next section is for sellers which are being considered for entry to the ESL (denoted by an asterisk), or under a "probation" of sorts. A seller might end up on probation if they demonstrate a serious lack of concern toward their customers who are members here. Falling service standards and unwillingness to work with customers on complaints are the most common examples of how this might happen. "New" sellers may also be listed here, as a way of acknowledging their presence in the subreddit, and indicating to users that although we don’t consider them well-established yet, they are more than just a random name with no known background.

91sheep* Jin* Sneaker VIP*
BeanStudio* OWF Tim Sneakers*

Blacklisted Sellers

Here is the wiki page with the names and reasoning for each blacklisted seller. If you are a reviewer, please check it frequently, to avoid an accidental violation of rule 10.


This component of the post is exceptionally important, and has the potential to save countless people from being having their money stolen. If you are new, please pay attention.

These lists—particularly the ESL—will serve to help you guys avoid ANY real chance of being scammed by the numerous impersonators of these sellers, who are out there prowling around, waiting for people here to make mistakes. Always check and double check this community's catalog of sellers, to make sure you are talking to the right person. And as a rule of thumb, if you don’t know what you’re doing, DON’T BUY ON INSTAGRAM. If you must buy on Instagram, heed the following warning:

IF THE SELLER’S INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT USERNAME DOES NOT MATCH WHAT IS LISTED HERE, IT ISN’T NECESSARILY LEGIT. (By “USERNAME”, we mean the “handle”. For example, “@JohnDoe”. This is not the same as their name/title/bio, which can be changed to anything—and is not a unique identifier—like the username/handle!) We will discuss this topic in more depth and include visual examples, as the aforementioned subreddit resources are created and updated. But we thought it was important to get this information out ASAP, given the frequency at which people are getting themselves scammed here.

The Rep Game requires personal responsibility

One final note: These lists consist of collections of sellers that the mod team believes to be worthy of the labels well-establishedon probation, and blacklisted, based on our years of experience and after paying close attention to discourse and events on the subreddit. Just because your favorite seller—who you believe is 10x more established than any of our sellers—is not on the list does not mean they aren’t a good seller. Just because you personally disagree that a certain seller belongs on the blacklist doesn’t mean we will remove them from it. In the past year, we have seen too much dependence and borderline “worshipping” of our subreddit’s various lists. As if we are the one, definitive resource on which sellers are good/safe or bad/unsafe to buy from. This is not the intention of the lists. We are just one internet community, created and operated by ordinary people. We are not infallible. Without a doubt, there are good, established sellers which aren’t on the ESL; this list is just a collection of sellers that we have judged to be established and “good”. It is also obviously biased towards sellers that are popular on Reddit. There are also terrible sellers who we have not yet identified on the blacklist, because they are small players and/or have no history on Reddit. In any case, no one is being forced to use our lists, if they do not agree with them. Please acknowledge these things before you make a negative comment about r/Repsneakers lists.

Sorry, but we had to make that disclaimer for the insufferable jerks that choose to let our lists live rent-free in their heads, and pretend that they aren’t allowed to make personal decisions which conflict with our lists. For the ordinary members—veterans and noobs alike—that are here in good faith, we appreciate you guys and your continued support of our forum. We hope that you will find our new ESL and the numerous coming updates to be helpful. Please let us know of any comments or constructive criticism you may have.

Introduction to r/RepSneakers

This community is for discussion of replica sneakers and other related items. Our focus is to be the center of replica sneaker discussion on Reddit. We have nearly 6 year of discussion archived on this subreddit, and encourage using the search function to learn more before posting. All selling of replica items is strictly prohibited on this subreddit.

Why Aren't My Posts Showing Up?

Posting on Repsneakers requires a well established Reddit account. In order to deter advertising spam and ban evasion by scammers and spammers, we have increased the old requirements. The new numbers will remain a mystery, for security's sake. Trust that they are not too high, and most people will be able to pass the requirement within a short time, naturally participating on other subreddits.

We do not respond to messages us asking for post approval. If you are unable to post, just continue using your Reddit account naturally, and soon enough you will be able to post. Posting is not a requirement to gain a lot of useful information from this subreddit. Lurking and searching will hold you over until you can post.


Please read these, they contain lots of good info and can answer your question much faster then making a new thread!

Middleman Guide for Beginners, by /u/Warm-Lobster

Replica Slang and Acronyms

Agent Guide

Seller Profiles

Introducing Seller Profiles! Seller Profiles allow for all the information related to a seller to be organized into one dedicated list for each seller.

With this new addition, Sellers will be able to edit their profile directly with no approval process for advertisement or waiting for their posts to be approved.

You can find the sellers profiles list here

Known Trustworthy Sites

http://www.sneakerahead.org (Save $30 with code: sneakerahead-dis and 10% off your order with WU)Contact+Discount

http://www.g5tony.net (Not to be confused with OG Tony)

http://www.muks-store.com (Save 15$ with code: sunday3120)

http://www.dopesneaker.cc (Code: "Lisa-reddit" $15 off. 12% off with WU)Contact+Discount

http://www.topshoemall.com (Code: "TOP-reddit" 15$ off. 10% off with WU)


http://www.cocosneakers.org/(Save $15 with code: coco-dis)


Bruce (no site lol. his Whatsapp is: +86 189 0916 2046)

http://mangosneaker.x.yupoo.com/ (Mango)

http://www.staysucc.net (Vicky)

http://www.wkicks.ru (Weng)

http://www.flightkickz.cn (Code: "FKReddit" for free shipping)

Known Trustworthy Agents

https://www.superbuy.com/ (DISCOUNT CODE: repsneakersRedeem)

https://www.pandabuy.com (DISCOUNT CODE: automatic -- UNLIMITED 5% discount)

Glossary of Common Terms

QC: Quality Control (QC for short) is talking about pictures that are posted from an agent of an item that was ordered. Users will post these if they're unsure about the quality and would rather have someone else take a look at them if they're good enough.

LC: Legit Check (LC for short) Much like the name states, this is a tag used for posts requiring a legit check. Legit checks are a great way of finding out if a item you're purchasing is authentic or not.

GP: Guinea Pig (GP for short) Guinea Pigging is much like being a test subject. In this instance you will be the first person to order a sellers new item. This means you'll be the first to get pictures of their product and often times you'll post them to be checked for quality by the community.

FIND: Much like the name states. Posts with this flair are often linked to new products that haven't been posted before.

W2C:: Where To Cop (W2C for short) W2C refers to the search for a desired item. Often times will be linked with retail images for an example.

1:1: One to One (1:1 for short) 1:1 refers to a perfect replica. However, not many exist and often times you won't be able to get these as they're sold out.

GL: Green Light (GL for short) GL Refers to a user who has given their approval of a QC post.

RL: Red Light (RL for short) RL Refers to a user who has given their disapproval of a QC post.

B&S: Bait & Switch (BS or B&S for short) B&S Refers to a seller who has advertised their product and sent goods that are different from advertised.

脚长: Foot length

美国: US

英国: UK

欧洲: EUR

中国: China

厘米: cm

毫米: mm

英寸 or 寸: inches

Beginners Guide to Middlemen

r/Repsneakers - **beginners guide ( MiddleMan) simplified version on how to buy from a middle man for beginners

Beginners Guide to Shipping from China


Guide to Keeping your Shoes Clean

Complete Guide to r/SuperReps

Guide to Shipping Replica Shoes & Sneakers

The r/SuperReps Replica Sneakers Trusted Sellers List

The Entire Guide to Kanye/Adidas Yeezy Sneakers

The Complete Guide to Nike Sneakers

How to buy from TaoBao & Weidian Agents

Beginner's Guide to the Best Rep Sneaker Batches to Buy

Massive Sneaker Batch W2C Links

The Complete Guide to Kobe Rep Sneakers

The Complete Colorway Tracker